Thursday, May 27, 2010

Jula, Jula and more Jula!!

We have now been learning Jula for 4 weeks! I can't say that we have learned a whole lot! We can greet and purchase a few items, but that is the extent of our speaking in Jula for the moment! I wish I could say that this language isn't stressful, but that would not be true. But I do believe it is going to be much more enjoyable than French! It has been wonderful to see the peoples faces when we come out with some Jula words! They are so excited that we are trying to learn their heart language! We are trying to spend our time in Jula but also live our everyday life in French (which we aren't no means fluent in!). We have found that our French has improved some since returning from our time in the states. I think our brains actually got some rest!

This past month has flown by fast and I am still trying to get use to how long it takes to do ANYTHING in Africa! I think we got spoiled to the fast food (fast everything) in the states! But we are back to the real world now! ;) We was talking the other day that we now feel more settled here. We needed that trip home but now feel that we can continue on with the work that needs to be done in Abidjan!

Pray for our friends here and pray for me as I try to start storying to a muslim lady nearby. I am going to practice my Jula on her, but also tell her about the reason that we have hope.

Also, continue to pray for our health. This seems to be an area where Satan likes to attack us. I have been fighting daily headaches for the past week and half. Jon still has that impending thought of when the kidney stones will decide to pass. Praise, Autumn has been feeling great!


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Returned to Abidjan

We really enjoyed our time in the states! We got to spend time with family and friends. We spent a lot of time in doctors offices, but hopefully have got all things taken care of. Continue to pray for Jon....he still has 3 kidney stones. They are small now, so hopefully he can pass them before they grow big! We ate all the good food that we was missing, and done a lot of shopping! We packed us some goodies to bring back with us! We are thankful for our family that let us invade their house for the month and are looking forward to the next time. We will probably be coming stateside for a few months the fall of 2011.

We are back in the swing of language learning! We started meeting with our Jula helpers on Tuesday. I think this African language is going to be more enjoyable than the French was. Where we had to be at a level 3 in French; we only have to be at a level 2 in Jula. Not that it will be easy; but less stressful! You can pray for my language helper, Eugenie. She told me that she doesn't know much about the Bible and asked if I could teach her. Wow! Of course I will!

Prayer requests:
1) our health
2) Jula learning :)
3) small group
4) our muslim friends

Rainy season has began, so our road is flooded again! Thats ok because the temps are a little cooler this time of the year!
