Friday, April 29, 2011

Pray for Burkina

Me again....I would like to ask you to pray for Burkina Faso. There has been alot of problems the last couple of weeks. We are safe but are becoming tired of staying stuck in the house. We are beginning to wonder if trouble follows us....

Thanks for the prayers!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Moving On....

It is heating up in Burkina! The temps are over 100 and some humidity has arrived, but it is nothing like the humidity of Abidjan! Our time as refugees in Burkina has been made so much better because of our wonderful mission family here. They have taken us in and loved on us and imparted lots of wisdom. We are going to miss them dearly but it is time to move on (again!). Through much prayer we have made the decision to transfer to Accra, Ghana. On Monday, May 2nd we will head back to Accra. We will spend the next 5 1/2 months researching the city and making contacts until our stateside in October. We do hope to return to Abidjan in a couple of months to retrieve our household items and most importantly to say proper goodbyes to our friends there. We are very sad to leave our friends but feel this is where the Lord is leading us right now. After our 4 month stateside assignment, we will return to Accra to get deeper in ministry. We are excited and sad all at the same time. They told us in our missionary training that we would be living a life of goodbyes, but I really didn't know how much that would really happen! We have made great friends from all the countries of our first term: Mali, Cote d'Ivoire, and Burkina. But with goodbyes comes hellos...and we will soon make more friends in Ghana.

Autumn is sad to leave all her friends here in Burkina but is looking forward to Accra. She has made many life-long friends here that she will always have a bond with. She took her spring break and spent a week with them just hanging out. I think there was little sleeping and lots of fun and practical jokes! We have prayed for these times for her since coming on the field and thank the Lord for providing. Autumn turned 16 last week! It doesn't seem possible, we are getting so close to the college years....but I don't like to think about that too much! :) We are looking in to putting her into an American School in Accra. That is a prayer request for you....normally they don't allow students in the upper grades to come in so late in their schooling but they do make exceptions. Also, you can pray that she will find a youth group like the one here in Burkina to get involved in.

Hope to have some new updates for you soon to let you know how we are getting settled. We will just be living out of the guesthouse until stateside but we will be searching for the best neighborhood to live in compared to our ministry. Pray for a smooth transition and for our travels next week. It will be a 2 day drive and one of the two dogs get car sick. Pray that she has a good trip!

In Christ,