Saturday, March 26, 2011

Prayer for Ivory Coast

Nothing exciting happening with the Moodys. We are still living in Burkina. Autumn is getting alot of time with the youth here and she is really enjoying it. Pray that we can get settled quickly and can get out of some of this uncertainity.

Please continue to pray for Ivory Coast. We have spoken to friends there and things are very difficult. Many innocent people are dying everyday. All banks are closed and the Western Unions have shut down, so there is no way for the people to get money. Food is also becoming scarce. It is hard to hear how our friends are suffering. We pray that God will bring peace to that country very soon.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

More pics from Burkina

Autumn and I with our friend, Cortimi....she is loads of fun! Wow,
must have been a bad hair day! ;)
Don't pick me!!! one wanted to do karoke at
the Christmas party.
look....Cindy's skirt is on fire! Bonfire on Christmas Eve.
Africa Christmas decoration


my dear friend, Louise and her son

Jon & the guys, Olivier & Guy Roger
another friend, Eugenie

This was from our Thanksgiving celebration. We had lots of fun with our friends in Cote d'Ivoire. We left the next day to wait out the elections in Ghana; thinking we could return quickly. It didn't work out that way, and we are sad to hear about all the trouble in Cote d'Ivoire. Please continue to pray for our friends.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Heating up in Burkina...

I have wanted to do a blog for the past few days, but the electricity has been horrible. Because of Ivory Coast the electricity in Burkina has been cut. So they are running the entire town on two generators. We have electricity in 6 hours shifts. On for 6 hours then off for 6 hours. It is really hard to sleep without electricity. Besides being warm it is dusty because we have to open all the windows!

I had hoped to upload pictures of some of our friends in Abidjan. I wanted to put pictures with names so you can see who you can pray for. If the electricity stays on for awhile, I will get these on soon.

The situation is continuing to get worse in Ivory Coast. They are not calling it a civil war yet, but in reality that is what it is. The military of the North and the military of the South are fighting. Many innocent people are losing their life because of who they support. We have had many of our friends call and tell us how difficult it currently is. Many have lost their jobs and they don't have money to buy food, etc. We can not get any money into them because all the Western Unions have been closed. We trust the Lord is hearing all the prayers, and will supply all their needs.

We sometime think about if we will ever get our things out of our house.....but realize that is all just stuff. The people there are suffering so much.

Also, pray for wisdom for us as we have decisions to make.
