Thursday, October 29, 2009

We have been in Africa for a year....

On the 18th of October we hit the one year mark in Africa. It has been a year with lots of changes, lots of goodbyes and many tears....but it has also been a year with many blessings! We have been blessed with an extended family on the field......Autumn has more aunts and uncles than she can count! Our team mates are great and we are so happy to have them back with us in Abidjan after the birth of little Benjamin. Our relationships with the Africans are growing and we are finding ourselves busy with company, etc. The most important thing is that we can now share the gospel with these friends in their language. What a major blessing!

God is moving in the small group and it is really growing! Jon spends a lot of time with these guys and is pouring the truth into them. They are eager to go out and share the good news with their friends and with strangers they met. God is really going to use these guys! One of them has asked Jon about starting another group with 5 friends that he has lead to the Lord. Wow! Jon will continue to disciple him and show him how to lead a group.

Please continue to pray for my muslim friend, M. She has begun to ask a lot of questions. She told me the other day that she knows that you must have faith in Jesus and that she does. I told her that she must trust in Jesus alone, and she didn't know what to do with that. Today when I was visiting her and telling her the story of Nicodemus, she asked me why there was so many ways. She now realizes that Christians and muslims are not the same. I told her that only one of them can be the right way. She agreed. She said that she was going to pray that God would show her the truth and when he does that she will follow that truth. We know that God will show her so please continue to lift her up!

Bottle some of that cool weather up and send it our way! :) It sure is hot here....I think I am finally remembering to put the sunblock on. It took a couple of days of becoming sunburned before I realized the sun is back!



David Pope said...

Congratulations on reaching this milestone. I love hearing how God has continued to work among the guys. We sure loved our five months with you! said...

Ciao form Italy