Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Life is becoming very busy!!

Hi everyone! Sorry it has been so long since the last time I blogged! We have been very busy lately. Autumn started 9th grade this week. She is enrolled in an online school, Northstar Academy, and we have stayed busy getting it all figured out. It seems to be a great program, she actually has teachers that send her all the work and I send it back to them. I am hoping after this first few weeks, that it will become easier on me! :)

Our small group has been going very well! As I told you, the guys has decided to start meeting on Sunday afternoons so the people that they invite may come. Last Sunday we had a total of 8 guys! They seem really eager to learn the stories and share with others. They keep Jon busy and always have many questions. We all are currently learning Creation to Christ. After about 8 weeks, the group will have a summary from creation to the return of Christ that they can go out and use for evangelism. Continue to pray for their growth and that we can get some women involved! You can see some pictures above from the past Sunday.

I have been telling the weekly stories to a muslim friend of mine. I didn't know at first if she would let me share with her. But she has let me tell her the stories and this week when she came to visit me she asked if I had another story for her. Please pray for an open heart has she hears the word of God. Again above, I have posted a picture of her with her newborn baby girl.

Thank you for the prayers concerning our language learning! We have seemed to finally hit a point where we have more good days than bad. Continue to lift us up!

Our health has been pretty good. But there has been a lot of mosquitos lately, so pray that we continue to stay healthy. We don't have time to be sick! ;)

Send us a comment to let us know how you are doing!

1 comment:

David Pope said...

Great update, Teresa! Northstar sounds great. Sure was good to see pictures of the group and I am not surprised that it is doing well with your support. Love you guys.