Thursday, January 29, 2009

Life is busy......

Sorry that we haven't been as good on our blogging the last few weeks! We are finding that life is getting busier as we are settling in. We are still deep in language learning. Today I am really encouraged with our french, of course that is today...we will see what I say tomorrow! ;-) My mind changes everyday whether I am learning anything or not! We are out of our regularly scheduled language classes the next two weeks, we are spending these weeks learning about urban church planting. Pray that we will remember all that we have learned to this point!

I think culture shock has finally hit me...the last few weeks have been tough. I have a day where I am really homesick and then have a good day. Thankfully, we all have our days at different times. I realize this will be part of it, but the good days are always a blessing!

We are starting to get our house set up. We finally got a table and chairs and a hutch for the dining room. We also got a lazyboy recliner from a missionary that was leaving. Now we all fight over it! In the next couple of months, we will be getting a couch and the remaining furniture that we need. It will be good to finally get the house set up.

Continue to pray for our language learning and for Autumn a friend. There are two other teenage girls in the city for the next two weeks. Autumn has been having a great time with them. We know that God will provide in just the right time.


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