Thursday, August 14, 2008

Life at International Learning Center

Hello everyone,

We have started our second week at ILC and we are doing well. A typical day begins at 6:00am and we usually get to bed around midnight. We are learning things every day that will help us with cultural shock and ministry in Africa. Some of the emphasis has been on the priority of keeping our relationship with Christ first and foremost. We have had three days on spiritual warfare and the reality of adversity and opposition in the Christian life. We are being taught by passionate, godly men and women who have spent much of their life on the mission field themselves.

We are living in quad like housing which means we have an apartment that is attached to a large living area which connects to three other apartments. Everyone in our quad housing will also be going to West Africa so we all have something in common. Our church on Sunday morning will be in our living area with these other missionaries and their families. We all take turns leading in devotions and worship time through the week also. The cafeteria food here is good but we also have the option to drive off campus which we rarely do because of time considerations. We have many assignments to complete before our eight weeks are over such as living a weekend without electricity and cooking from scratch the entire time. There are also many homework assignments that include reading several books. I enjoy reading but Teresa is finding it challenging to fit into her busy schedule. There is no T.V. here on campus but I do not consider that a bad thing especially since we have all 10 seasons of Little House on the Prarie that can be watched on the computer!

Many people ask us how we feel about going to Africa now that the reality is just around the corner. We know it will be hard saying good-bye to family and friends, we are also learning day by day what the cost will be on the mission field. But the truth is, we knew this ten years ago when the Lord called us to follow Him. We have no regrets and believe the great promises of God's word. We are grateful that the Lord has given us eternal life and called us into His service.

We will blog again soon, perhaps Teresa will do the next one. Have a great day.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A weekend without any electricity!! That will be a lot of fun. When do you do that? We are praying for you everyday. Thanks for being faithful.