Wow, sorry that it has been so long since my last post! We have been busy this past month but there hasn't been anything really exciting happening! But, we did make a trip to Accra, Ghana (with an overnight stop at the beach!) for a spiritual retreat. It was great to visit with other missionaries and to be able to be refreshed! We are very thankful to our wonderful friend, who serves in another part of Africa, for coming to be there for Autumn!
We are going to be lonely the next 9 months since our teammates are going stateside....so, you should make a trip over the big ocean to visit us and we will tell others about the hope they can have in Jesus while you are here!
Prayer request:
1. Jula language learning (Jon made his level 1 and I will take my exam in a couple of weeks!)
2. Refreshment (physically, mentally and spiritually)
3. peace in the country