Hi everyone! We are home from vacation. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves at the beach in Ghana! We didn't do anything exciting except resting our minds and enjoying the oceanview. As you can see Jon and Autumn enjoyed riding the waves at the beach. Jolie and I enjoyed digging in the sand! :) The resort was really nice and best of all we got to speak English all week!! But I have to tell you, I think Jon is forgetting English. For some reason he couldn't understand anything the people at the resort was saying, so I was his translator! :) We did enjoy our time off from french, and have felt so refreshed since returning. Before we left we was at a point that we wasn't able to understand or say much because we were exhausted, but we have came back and it seems like the rest was exactly what we needed.
While we was gone, the group that we have been storying at decided to change their meeting times from Tuesday to Sunday. They decided this time would be best for them, and also for people that they have been inviting. This is a step in the right direction! So, starting next Sunday we will be worshiping with these new believers. This will be an learning experience for all of us. Pray that this group will continue to grow in faith.
This morning we visited a church in the city with another missionary. It was a good service (we even had our own translator). But, we did have our first....we was pulled into the dancing line.... All of us, even Jon! Wish you could have seen Autumn's face when the guy pulled us out! Well, we made it around one time and then escaped back to our chairs! We try to tell them that these white people can't dance, but I think it amuses them! I was in front of Jon and Autumn, wish I could see how they was moving! ;) I think we all just clapped our hands and followed the line.
Well the summer is almost over and it will be time for the kids to get back to school. Autumn will be beginning her freshmen year. Wow, where has the time gone?? As you have been enjoying the hot weather :), we have been enjoying the cool season; but I hear that it will be ending around September. Can't say that I am ready for that heat again!
Thank you for the prayers!